Certification is one of the most important parts to your Diamond and Diamond engagement ring. Without it, you don’t know what you’re buying. And you want to get what you pay for. Certification is not an appraisal, it is a report of the characteristics, specific measurements and qualities of your Diamond. Regardless of the the quality you choose for your stone, having a certification for it will hold its value and insure you’re getting for what you pay for. The GIA Laboratory is the only certification we sell because we know it is the most accurate grading with the highest standards of grading.
Established in 1931, GIA is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones, and pearls. A public benefit, nonprofit institute, GIA is the leading source of knowledge, standards, and education in gems and jewelry.
In the 1940s, GIA established the “4Cs” and the International Diamond Grading System™ – to this day, the worldwide standard for evaluating diamond quality.
We use GIA to grade our Diamonds because of how strict their grading system is and the high standards they hold. Other grading systems will not have the accuracy and measures like GIA. Each Diamond is assessed and analyzed on an unbiased and scientifically-based scale.